Thursday, 1 March 2018

Possibilities In Adversities

             Liberal approaches hardly win liberty

             Freedom from any sort of captivity had never been a gift. It was always a result of compulsion and dedicated efforts. People are captive of various influences and dominance. Unending quest for the freedom make escape quick and possible. Certain silence leads to or misunderstood as submission. Submission without expression of opinion is nothing but acceptance and certain acceptance in future will lead to exploitation and slavery.
                         Dare to speak out because your opinion may serve as an eye opener or lantern during decision making. Believe me, your silence where voice is essential serves none but exploiters.

Mind it, neither any country nor people are superior to you in any way. The royalty they claim is nothing but your undue admiration to them. Respect and regard people but let not our respect and regard be considered as fear and ignorance. 

Dare to say No, where to say so because your liberal approach will hardly bring liberty to any…….


Saju Mathew
Chairman & Managing Director
Clovers Group of companies

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Possibilities In Adversities

El éxito o el fracaso son decididos por el nivel y la efectividad de los controles que mantenemos en nuestras vidas. Esto decide nuestras asociaciones y disociaciones. Puede diseñar nuestro destino. Los controles que practicamos seguramente influirán en nuestras decisiones y promesas. Decidirán nuestras acciones o inacciones que son la base de las ganancias o nuestra falta de ellas.
Uno debe ser lo suficientemente sabio para imponer el autocontrol o aceptar los controles impuestos por el sistema o sus alrededores. Nuestro poco o nulo juicio  y el análisis de las situaciones pueden producir resultados negativos también.
No tema a decir 'No', dónde deba decirlo. Recuerde - nuestro "sí" indeseable puede tener un amplio impacto negativo más adelante.
Es mejor tener autocontrol que los controles impuestos por el sistema u otros

La ausencia de autocontrol permite el control a otros.

Possibilities In Adversities

Success or failure is decided by the level and
Effectiveness, of the controls, we maintain in our life. It
Decides our associations and dissociations. It can design
Our destiny. The controls we practice will surely influence

our choices and promises. It will decide our actions or
inactions which are the base of the gains or no gains.
One should be wise enough in imposing self-control or
accepting controls imposed by the system or their
surroundings. Our poor or nil judgment and analysis of the

situations can produce negative results as well.
Fear not to say ‘No’, where to say so. Remember - our
undesirable ‘Yes’ can have a wider negative impact later.
It is better to have self-control than the controls imposed
by the system or others.

                                 Absence of self-control allows control by others.

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Possibilities In Adversities


La cooperación es un signo visible de desinterés. La cooperación entre compañeros de vida, compañeros de trabajo, la sociedad y la naturaleza juega un papel importante en hacer que la gente y la organización tengan éxito y alcancen objetivos. El rasgo de la cooperación hace a las a las personas libres del ego y ayuda a la gente a persuadir a otros. La cooperación puede hacer nuestra vida más hermosa y prometedora.

Muchos se confunden entre la cooperación y la tolerancia. La cooperación es la acción o proceso de trabajar juntos hacia el mismo fin. Mientras que la tolerancia es la capacidad o la voluntad de tolerar la existencia de opiniones o comportamientos que a uno no le agradan o con los que no se está de acuerdo.

La falta de cooperación frustra o retrasa los objetivos.

La cooperación nos ayuda a conocernos. Nos ayuda a reconocer el talento de los demás. Hace al objetivo simple y a su logro rápido.
Los lectores podrán haber notado cómo las pequeñas hormigas cargan, comparativamente, alimentos pesados.

No es el tamaño físico lo que hace que una gran misión tenga éxito, sino la voluntad de cooperar.

Possibilities In Adversities

Cooperation is a visible sign of selflessness. Cooperation between life partners,
Co-workers, society, and nature plays a major role in making people and organization successful and achieve missions. The trait of cooperation makes
People free from ego and it helps people win over others. Cooperation can make our life more beautiful and promising.

Many are confused between cooperation and tolerance. Cooperation is the action or process of working together, towards the same end. Whereas, tolerance is the ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with.

Lack of cooperation thwarts or delays the mission.

Cooperation helps us to know each other. It helps us to recognize the talents of others. It makes mission simple and its achievements quick. Readers might have noticed how tiny ants carry comparatively heavy foodstuff.

It is not the physical size that makes a great mission successful, but the willingness to cooperate.